Thursday, February 24, 2011

Its been: awhile

So sorry, I know its been awhile since I've posted.  My life has been quite unusual.  With the tossing and turning throughout the night, rearranging my pillow fortress, working all day, I'm so tired when I get home at night. I just want to chill with the hubby, make some dinner and go to sleep.  I ate some rice the other day and thought for sure either the rice or the baby was going to pop right out of my belly button-there is sooo not enough room in there for both, I was soooo uncomfortable.  Thankfully both the rice and baby are doing OK and still chilling in the man cave.

Its so weird, just waiting for a baby to come that is.  Its like I can't do too much, plus the weather is so crappy and I can't fly to Florida so Taylor and I just wait.  We just wait for this kid to enter our lives.  I know once Colton arrives Im going to crave this time that I'm bitching about right now, but for now, its just pretty boring...oh, and uncomfortable.

My best girlfriends are throwing me a baby shower this Saturday and I'm soooo excited.  I'm excited about the shower, but I'm super excited to get together with all my girls on a Saturday night.  Even though I will be sober yet again at a party, I can't wait!  I will have many pictures to post from the fun event, so more to come.....

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