Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's Been: Akward!

We went baby registering yesterday, also known as 'instant panic attack'.  I don't know what to or what not to register for, so I just did it all.  My friend gave me a five page list of what you will need when you have a baby so I just went wild-breast pump and all.  Its not like when I've gone to baby showers I think, "Aw, how fun and cute, I'll get her breast pads for when she leaks, she will love these!" But for some reason I decided to register for these items that creep me out, ie breast pads, nipple cream and bottle/nipple cleaner just b/c I didn't know otherwise.  Note to everyone: do not feel the need to get me these types of things, I am going to use my registry as a checklist for myself of things to purchase before the little guy gets here!  Any other suggestions of items to register for??

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just found your blog through your sister. Looking forward to reading!
