Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's been: Quite a Road

My name is Jessie Broughton and I'm married to Taylor and we're having a baby, whom we called 'Itsbeen' for the first couple months.  Its a play on words, like, bring it on-- itsbeenbroughton...got it?  Well most people that we've told this to 50+ haven't gotten it so in case you didn't...just ask a young person.  So I thought it would only make sense to name my blog-its been broughton. Also, in case you are wondering, we did change the name of baby from Itsbeen to Colton. Colton Alexander Broughton.  I'm 27 weeks today and its been quite a ride!

It's been a very long and interesting pregnancy.  It all began in July and my first trimester included the "normal" tiredness.  I would get home from work and be asleep by 7:30pm.  T hated it.  He was so bored, because even our dog, Dexter, knew there was something going on with me and he would come lay beside me each night and leave T getting all the Sports Center in that he could ever imagine. I'm a tennis player and on a competitive team and usually play 2-3 times a week.  Well once I learned I was pregnant and matches would begin right around month six, I felt I should give up this season and focus on being pregnant.  That was pretty rough in the beginning and even tougher now, once matches have begun and I have gone to watch as a supporter, damn, I want to be on the court!  Soon enough...

Well I needed some exercise to add to my sleep regiman so I began pre natal yoga at the gym.  I went to about a month of classes, rolling my neck, doing stretches, and felt so after each session.  Well, I started getting this feeling of 'gravel in my neck'.  There is really no other way to describe it, it literally felt like every time I moved my head, it felt like there was grinding going on, and I could hear a crunching sound.  That got worse and was accompioned by stiffness and pain in my neck.  When driving, I would just cry and cringe when I had to change lanes or make a turn becuase I knew the pain was coming, just having to look left then right.  To make matters worse, headaches, awful, day long headaches would partner up with this neck pain, leaving me waking up at 2am to put frozen broccli on my neck at night-it was a pain in my ass to say the least!  Well, I found out I had actually sprained my neck. I mean, who does that, sprain their neck diong PRE NATAL yoga?! Only me.  Well that lasted 8 fing weeks, yea, 8 weeks!  But luckily at that time was right when baby Colton was beginning to move around and I could feel him in my belly.  It truly would make everything better, just knowing he was happy and healthy and kicking around in his man cave, being my stomach.

Things have only gotten better since then, and in fact I was up for a couple hours last night feeling him squirm around and at one point I felt him move across my entire stomach, it was like he was swimming back stroke from one side to the other, back and forth.  I feel like I should eat a pair of goggles so he can have some while doing all that swimming. Best thing is, he was still shuffling around this morning so Taylor could enjoy the movement but right when Taylor does his ritual of talking to my belly and telling Colton good morning, all movement subsided and Colton went right back to lounging.  A few weeks ago when Taylor was talking to Colton at 6am, telling him to move around so Daddy could feel him for the first time, Colton kicked Daddy right in the face.  It was so perfect and hysterical.  Right in the ole lipper he socked him!

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